Who are we?
A non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation for the promotion and unification of maritime law in Norway
The Norwegian Maritime Law Association (NMLA) is a member association of the Comité Maritime International (CMI), which is a private international association that aims at promoting the development and harmonisation of international maritime law within all fields.
CMI was formally established in 1897. The development of inter alia The Hague Rules, The York/Antwerp Rules, The Athens Convention and the drawing up of standardized bills of lading and electronically bills of ladings have been made under the direction of the CMI. During the last years, the CMI has cooperated tightly with other international organisations like IMO, UNCTAD and UNCITRAL on the development of draft instruments and on advice.
As a member association of the CMI, the NMLA is represented in meetings and conferences that are arranged by the CMI.
The NMLA regularly arranges meetings and speeches where topical issues within Maritime Law and Transport Law are discussed.